Kim Tomlinson - Welcome
Member Australian Association of Social Workers
Bachelor of Social Work (1st class Hons) - 1998 University of WA
Bachelor of Arts (English major/ Psychology minor) - 1988 University of WA
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) Certification 2015
Counselling, Parenting, Attachment, Circle of Security, Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP), EMDR, Relationships, Transactional Analysis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and more...
Therapeutic Framework: My basic premise when counselling is that first and foremost I relate to each client on a level of connecting with another human being from a loving, accepting position, not from a professional expert model which sees the client as different in any way to myself. I am quite task focused in approach when required and give clients practical tools to take away and apply to their situation in between counselling sessions. I use a range of therapeutic interventions depending on the presenting case. In brief some of these commonly include: Attachment theory, such as the Circle of Security intervention and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) for relationships, parent-child attachment, general parenting issues and family trauma. For trauma particularly PTSD, I regularly use EMDR, EMDR2.0 and Attachment Focused EMDR. For mental illness in general I may use affect regulation work, Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), also Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), EMDR and Communication skill building. For relationship work, I may use Imago Relationship Therapy and a range of other tools and therapies around communication and self-esteem work. I use basic Transactional Analysis principles, that clients can understand, for everything.
Personal Framework: I believe that healing is possible in any person's situation regardless of the severity of the case. My life and work are underpinned by two core disciplines: My spiritual practice which is the Christian based ‘A Course in Miracles’ (ACIM); Also the discipline of Aikido which I have practiced for 30 years. Aikido is a non-violent, non-competitive martial art, that similar to ACIM, works (through martial arts training) from a premise of building love, harmony and care for all beings. For me this no harm philosophy includes animals, which is why I choose to be vegetarian.
Background: 26 years experience in Mental Health counselling including:
working with torture/trauma survivors (refugees) with ASETTS in Perth - (1998-2000); Individual and group work with families specifically experiencing postnatal depression (PND) anxiety and transition to parenthood issues - Coordinator ‘Bouncing Back Group Program’ for PND and Anxiety with WA Country Health Service, Albany (2001-2014); Counselling work with clients with a wide range of mental health disorders - Social Worker with Community Mental Health Service, Albany (2001-2011).
Private Practice Therapeutic Counselling (2011- present):
Current Areas of work include: mental health issues - specialising in anxiety and trauma and also mental health in the perinatal period (during pregnancy and afterward in the transitioning to parenthood); relationships and parenting/attachment work; domestic violence and PTSD; workplace issues such as harassment, discrimination, stress and relationship / communication difficulties; clinical supervision for professional and other workers in care based industries.
Age group preference/ experience: I work with adults only, 18 years and up. I have no age group preference with adults. I have worked with all ages including experience with elderly people with mental health issues in nursing home environments.